Avda. Real de Pinto, 144 - 28021 Madrid (Spain)
Phone: +34 91 7974414   Fax: +34 91 7966084

If you need infomation or assistance to solve a lift project, in any place, please get in touch with our specialists.

Head office

Avda. Real de Pinto, 144 - 28021 Madrid
Phone: (0034) 91 7974414 - Fax: (0034) 91 7966084
E-mail: info@canibano.com


Contact us

If you need to rent a crane and want to receive our proposal, please send us an e-mail:

First name: Surname:
Company activity: CIF/NIF:
Function: Department:
Company address: City: Zip Code:
Phone number: Fax number: e-mail:
Crane request for: